Friday, March 9, 2012

wrapping up winter quarter

Final Assignment for a Sound, Space and Installation class:

    It's finals week at the University! Obviously I waited until the last minute, but this time is wasn't even because of the usual procrastination. Most of the work I had previously made I knew exactly what I wanted to use, or say, or ask. But this time, there was no voice inside. I had to build everything from scratch and blindly feel my way through the making process. So the final ended up becoming about that frustration at personal boundaries... and my new record player I scored at Goodwill recently (Cha-ching).

   That's not even what I wanted to write about though. What I really wanted to tell you guys about was the critique itself and how my peers really rose to the challenge with their wonderful enthusiam. For some reason when I got up my heart was racing, and I was sweating and my muscles were all tense. Why so nervous? One thing I've found at UW is that people really love what they're doing, but also have this love of interacting and helping their classmates. There's not much ego, or if there is it doesn't get in the way of giving amazing feedback. Having them be so supportive meant a lot, and made me want to give them back as much as they gave me, if not more.

    So yeah, Thanks sound class :)

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